Sunday, August 14, 2011


I sit in front of this computer with my fingers on the keys staring off into space.  So many times I think "I need to blog about this" and then when the time mind is a blank slate.

Keara is back to her old self (praise the prayers!) and her left foot is about 98% healed.  We are so glad to have her home and healthy.  I can't thank my neighbors and  my co-workers enough for being so supportive and willing to go the extra mile for me.  I was reminded again of this in Church today, the topic being Relationships in Christ, having true relationships/friends, not just aquaintinces.  My number of those may be small, but they are very deep.  You all know who you are, and I love you beyond measure.

Today also marks the day of a faithful journey, albeit a very personal one.  Josh is essentially spearheading this one, and I am so grateful to him.  Those of you who know me or follow me, you understand how deeply touching this topic is to me.  I even sent out weekly reminders to him about this day giving him ample time to "back out" or change his mind.  So our feet have stepped off into the unknown and may our faith in His holy works and destiny light the way. I shall keep you posted as changes come about :) 

Ian.  Oh, Ian.  God knows how much I love our son.  He is one phenomenal kid, but as with all "kids" who are about to turn 18, he has made a choice that is permanent.  Unless he chooses to pay big money to reverse it.  He has joined the Tatoo club.  I knew this day was coming, but truly hoped it would be after highschool.  I equipped him with questions to ask himself in regards to the permanent nature of his inking, and it seems he did.  He chose to have the latin phrase Cruce Salus inked across his upper front chest.  Best location? Probably not, but nothing I can do to change that, right?? In latin, it means from the cross comes salvation. Sadly, Ian did not take Latin.  Therefore he failed to have the A placed: A Cruce Salus.  That is the formal phrase.  Live and learn, son. 

Well, not sure what to blog about right now.  The girls are watching a Veggie Tales movie, Ashlynn is napping, Ian went to run an errand for me and I have about 5 loads of laundry waiting for me.  Oh, and dinner needs to be prepped.  Guess that's my cue to sign off.....

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