Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Got Ian!

Ok, so today started out so much better! He even reminded me to get a photo (and some from his phone, too)  This is such a scary year for me. Part of me is so excited for what God has in store for Ian, the other part is nervous for what potential disasters/choices he could make. He truly is growing into a fine young man, and we are so very grateful to God for his presence and guidance in Ian's life. My prayer is that Ian continues to keep his heart open to the word, continues to be a strong Christian example and reflect daily on how is actions/reactions affect other people.  Our children live in such a desensitized and morally corrupt generation, it is our duty to empower them with a strong moral foundation but also equip them with the knowledge to make wise/educated decisions. 
I love you Ian, and I am so very proud God allowed me the chance to be your mom.


Psalm139verse14 said...

Geez, he looks 20yrs old!! And, so handsome.

kim. said...

i'm having trouble imagining zach's first-first, let alone his last-first!