Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29

FINALLY!! Josh's Level 1 PGM books arrived yesterday.  Let's count...4 inch binders=2, 3 inch binders=3, 2 inch binders=4, dvd's, 2 inch hardcover books=2.  I would say he has a lot of reading, studying as well as a 4 inch binder of "Work Experience" to fill...he is most comfortable with that one :-)  Now life becomes a bit more difficult for the next 3-5 years, but it will be so well worth it in the end!  Hopefully I will be able to arrange my schedule with his so that he has at least 2 days a month that he can devote the entire day to his studies.

My last couple of days at work have been good :)  I actually left Monday night with a feeling of accomplishment and peace, not reliving the day in my head to find errors or things I may have forgotten!  I felt much more comfortable with Rapid Responses, even feeling a lot better with STEMI's/AMI.  I know I will be good.  To quote my step-mom Pat (a former long time cardiac nurse herself) "Jenny, you just need to have the same confidence in yourself that everyone has in you".  She is right, and I will give myself that, just not right off the bat. It keeps me safe and humble :)  

I made plans to go through our closet and get rid of old, unused clothes when I received an email from church about a family in need...a sign!!  This family which includes 2 teenagers and a toddler.  They lost everything....I mean everything!!  They left with the clothes on their backs and that is it.  So I will go through my kitchen and bathrooms and see if there are any unused items I can donate.  I URGE ALL OF YOU TO DONATE UNUSED/UNWANTED ITEMS TO YOUR LOCAL NON-PROFIT CHARITIES AND SHELTERS!!  Think about it people, in our society and lifestyle of today look around your house and tell me how many "things" you really need??  Everyone has items/clothing that are not a necessity of daily living. Let's quite working to pay for a style of living that is not within our means but keeps us within a social cirlcle.  If someone is only your friend b/c of what you have, then they are not your friend in Christ.  I want people to be my friend in Christ, don't you?  Let's step back and re-evluate why we live and how we live and do as Christ instructs us..."Love you brother as yourself".  

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done." Proverb 19:17

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