You know, I sometimes wonder what kind of "hangman" game it is that God plays? I've always known (having worked in the critical care field long enought) that EVERYthing happens in 3's. Code Blue...just wait, 2 more on their way and 1 will without a doubt be at shift change. So it is no wonder that we have once again, found ourselves in the midst of another beating.Monday evening Keara and Abby were running around the couch while I was preparing, moreso preping, for dinner when all of a sudden I hear a
loud scream followed immediately by
loud crying. I run over to Keara to find her holding her forhead and when she moves her hand....yep, you got it-scalp wounds bleed like a stuck pig. OUCH! A nice laceration to her right eye. Same spot as daddy did 4 years ago but just the other eye. I get it all cleaned up, put some ice on it for about 5 minutes and then re-evaluate it. Uhhh.....crap. Even
I am convinced it needs some stiches. So off we go to AcuteKids and she unwillingly gets her eye "glued", meaning no stiches!! :) [A fantastic pediatric urgent care facility I might add]
Tuesday we went to see Dr. Meiser [] for an eczema/immunilogical evaluation.
LOVE HIM. A doctor who is into the cause of Keara's problems, not just pushing prescriptions. Well, one treatment he really stressed was putting her in wet wraps. So for the last 2 days we have had her in 2 pairs of pajama's the first pair wet (with lots of aquaphor on her skin) and the second pair dry and you would not believe the difference!! I was
totally shocked at the results. For the 1st time in I can't remember when, she did NOT itch after her nap! At all!! For the rest of the day!! I was close to tears of joy and relief. To know that there is a way for her to not be so miserable and self destructive just melts a mothers heart. There is nothing more that her dad and I want than a healthy, happy, itch free life for her.