Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ugh. It is a feeling.

I sit here in bed.  Yes, bed.  Might I say that for the last 4-6 weeks I have had absolutely NO desire or motivation to get out of it!  I mean, I literally could lay in bed all day.  It's not that I'm tired or sleepy, just totally disinterested and fatigued.  I honestly started to believe that I am suffering from depression this pregnancy.  Then I went for my 12 week appt and found out that my thyroid is not functioning properly...what a relief!!  I mean that in a "thank goodness I don't just have to suffer through this" kind of way.  It also explained the 10 lbs I have gained in 6 weeks and how I have had so much difficulty with my weight over the last year, and why I've been increasingly tired.  So today, I start on my thyroid replacement medication and look forward to feeling better.  To feeling up to actually getting out of bed, schooling my children and cooking dinner for my family!!  

I'm missing Ian's game tonight and I'm a bit sad :(  I know he's almost 16, but I really enjoy supporting him in all he does.  They are playing in Keller, the late game, and I have to work tomorrow.  So in my place, his Uncle Eric et al will be there to root him on!  Thanks Eric!!  

Abby and Keara were very excited to hear the baby's heart beat yesterday.  It was 160 bpm and loud.  He/She was moving around quite a bit, another good sign.  Aliza told them she would need their help next time with finding the heart beat so they are looking forward to the next visit.  It is so much fun to watch 2 excited siblings be giddy over having a baby brother or sister!  
I also found out today that my brother's neighbors had their baby very premature, 27 weeks and she only weighs 15 oz.  Please pray for them and that God's will be done for their family.  Wrap them in Love, Faith and Grace.

Blessings to all.

1 comment:

Psalm139verse14 said...

Ugh, thyroid issues huh? I've been wondering how you were doing. I miss seeing you at work. Hopefully you'll be your cheery self soon! So cute about Abby and Keara hearing the baby's heart beat.