Thursday, April 23, 2009

So here I sit, updating my blog while in the background is Abby and Keara counting to 10 in Spanish; learned most appropriately from Dora the Explorer!  Abby of course leads, and Keara follows.  It’s like listening to a teacher and student…how wonderful!!   We went to the park today as Keara is unable to play in the backyard.  Our yard is in dire need of weed treatment and I am begging my husband to take care of it!  The minute she goes out, her legs turn red and she begins to scratch.  So much for the purpose of the play set!  My goal is that it will be done this weekend, since my DH has Saturday off.  Maybe.  One can only hope.

I am hoping to go and visit a friend of mine tomorrow, but she has failed to return my call and message.  I do miss her, Rachael, so call me back!! 

There is this fantastic Christian gathering on May 5 if anyone out there in the DFW area wants to go, it’s God of the City ( and it only cost $5.00! Kids under 6 are free.  It is being held at the Dr. Pepper Park in Frisco with seating first come, first serve.  I am taking my kids as it is only 2 ½ hours long and very well worth it J  Check it out!

Maybe I will get some bread made this afternoon.  Better yet, I’ll get caught up on my Bible Study!





Jen, Jenny, Jennifer…..



Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Yikes!! Time does get away from us, doesn't it? As if??? Abby is now 4, Keara just turned 3 (yesterday), Ian is finishing his freshman year and all I can think of is "when do I get to have my final baby #4?" I am getting older, you know. Oh, come didn't think I would stay 29 that long did you? *sigh*....I love that the weather is warming up. I don't like the pollen counts. Poor Keara, she has does nothing but produce buckets of snot for the last 3 days. And I mean BUCKETS. This is despite 20 mg of Zyrtec daily, 12.5mg of Benadry 2 times a day and 10mg of Atarax as needed. One would think she'd be a sleepwalking zombie....oh no, not my little sedative tolerant baby girl. She'll be a nurse's worst nightmare one day if she ever has pain issues! Or if she ever has to be sedated!! Load her up like you would a big stallion...Ian is doing better. Spanish class is picking up (now that he is really working at it). He must maintain B's for at lease 3 marking periods to qualify for Driver's Education (our family rule) so he has a bit of incentive. Not to mention Football, he will finally play again after his season ending injury last summer. Josh and I look forward to seeing him play this year, not just chatting with the other players. He really is a good teenager. I hear horror stories from friends of mine who are having major behavioral issues with their boys and I think to myself "What a great kid we have". And the icing on the cake....he adores his sisters. Oh, he finally cut his hair. Short. Thank God, he looks so much better.
Abby is reading!! Now mind you it is just 3 letter words, but she is doing it!! I don't push her, just grab the opportunity when she is ripe for the picking. She loves to do homework, but reading is sometimes not her favorite. She is working hard on her penmanship and starting a little math (addition). She is still mommy's big little helper, but she can definitley be bossy to Keara. I have been looking into Irish Dance for her for next year. She likes to watch it and I think it would be a nice change. Plus, it's heritage for her.

Keara...*sigh* (again). She is so sweet, stubborn, and smart. Tolerating her allergy shots and hopefully outgrowing a small bit of her eczema. She too, likes homework. She counts to 15, knows her ABC song and will occasionally do flash cards to learn the letters. She likes to sing, play in the dirt and drive trucks around. My tom-boy. Every family needs one :)

Josh is working hard. Now that the weather is warm he works later and tee times are hard to come by. Clinics and lessons are starting so he will be working more, making extra money (yea!!) I worry about our economic times, but men always find the means to golf!! We don't have a lot of time together due to our schedules, but we work it out and find small moments to remember we're married :)

Me, I'm still working. I was picking up extra shifts during the winter but with Josh's schedule and the census at work being low, extra work is hard to find. I do my 2 days a week and will pick up a few hours here and there as I can. My duties at home increase when Josh and my work shedules shift balance. I like being home. I have my plans to get jams, jellies and fruits canned this summer. Strawberry jam is my first priority since we are just about hitting peak season!!