Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the Path to Healing...

Picked up Ian from school and went for his first post-op check since removing the "hardware" from his right collar bone. That would be the screw that was placed on June 13 (what an aweful day for surgery, friday at that). Things are moving along well and the incision is healing nicely. They replaced the steri-strips (no biggie) and he will have the stiches out next Friday. Dr. Fagleman doesn't like the stiches removed by anyone other than in his office; I can appreciate that. His motto "we put 'em in, we take 'em out".
Ian's only restriction now is no contact. That translates to "no football". But he can work out to his hearts content. Oh, and he can play golf. As if he has been doing that over the last year. Go figure.

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