Monday, October 31, 2011

Just a Post

What a week this has been. We had the family over last Sunday (23rd) for a big lasagna dinner, which Josh made…Yummy!! It was nice to have everyone together, I miss family meals.  They were fairly routine when I was growing up, but once we moved to Texas we didn’t have any family around.  My in-laws were in town babysitting my neice and nephew, so that made it extra special J
Josh went to his best friends house later that night to watch the Ranger’s game, and while coming home, had an accident that resulted in a cracked transmission and the car was totaled out. *sigh*.  Yes, he is alright, other than completely stressed about the situation (and I’m praying him through it).  I’m still unsure about it all.  It has a surreal feel to it since I’ve yet to see the car, and obviously never will.  We are currently in the process of researching/looking for a new one.  That is the part that turns our stomach as the cars are paid off and now we will have another car payment. Ugh. I am however, grateful that we will pretty much be in the same financial state since 2 more debts will be paid this month which carry a combined total monthly payment equal to what we hope to have as a car payment J So thank you for no additional increase in outflow.
I am very grateful and thankful to my awesome friend Jen who is carpooling both ways while we live with one vehicle. She rocks!!
I have realized as of late that I do not have a large following within my family when it comes to Christianity.  My “step father” Rick is a strong rock of faith.  I can always count on him for prayer and support.  Everyone is pretty nonchalant or non believing. One can only pray that through action and example, each will come to accept Christ as their personal savior.  My life is forever changed because of Christ, and I can’t begin to tell you how much better it is!! That is, unless you ask me J  
Homeschooling has weighed heavy on my mind.  Each morning when I have to get the girls up at 0630 and then do homework at 3 I wonder “why?”.  I mean, is 7 hours in public school not enough time to accomplish what they need to?  I could facilitate a better learning environment in half that time.  Not instruct them in what the state is mandating, but foster their learning.  Big difference. Huge.

You are more than choices that you’ve made
you are more than sum of your past mistakes
you are more than problems you create
you’ve been remade.
‘Cause this is not about what you’ve done, but whats been done for you.
This is not about where you’ve been, but where your brokenness brings you to.
This is not about what you build, but what He built to forgive you
And what He built to make you know

In Him,Forever Blessed~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Shiny and New

Almost 2 yrs to the day, I am finally with a new (to me)computer!  Funny thing about it, I don’t seem to know what to do with it?  I sit here contemplating “should I surf the net?” , “blog?”, or better yet “turn it off because I’ll end up realizing its 1 am without knowing what happened.”  The last is probably the best option.  But here I sit, eyes and neck burning as if I haven’t done this in forEVER.
I have the let’s-look-for-a-new-home itch again.  I think Josh just goes along with me to so that I stay occupied J  We live in a 3 bedroom, 1800 sq foot home.  It’s modest, and I am so grateful that we are not “house-poor”, but if my dear husband does not want to wall off our front room or buy bunk beds or do something, then we need to seriously consider moving to a 4 bedroom.  So I started looking.  I’m carousing my neighborhood because I really do like it and want to stay close.  We have the most awesome tax rates. But honestly, I’d go anywhere and I’m not picky about the prettiness.  It wouldn’t have to be a fancy house is what I’m saying.  New or pre-owned. 
I think I’m nesting.  What hasn’t been a burning desire is now becoming one.  That little spark is becoming a flame and it’s taking all my strength to give it to God.  Just put it in His hands, on His yoke Jenny. I fully entrust Him to do with me as he wills.  I love the saying, “If He wills, then we will”.  If only I had a spouse who felt that desire along with me.  But I don’t, so I have to feel it for the both of us.  I mirror a lot of things, letting my behaviours and grace-filled responses reflect back to him.  To my dh that is. I can’t modify it to “…then I will” because that is putting my needs ahead of ours, and this is a covenant of marriage regardless of his belief.
Well..tomorrow comes early in this house.  Plus, the Rangers are playing, have to watch some baseball! 

Forever Blessed~

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sometimes I just come to the realization that I'm not a blogger. I think about a lot of things, have so many odd things, funny things happen but I'm awful at writing them down. Our should I say typing them up! Hmm. There's something to contemplate...write it DOWN or type it Up.

I failed to pre-think just what body mechanics we were involved in painting my door frames and base boards. Until I woke up this morning. Ugh! Talk about sore legs! Squat, stand, squat, stand, repeat...

Im tired. Ashlynn is sick which leads me to believe that tonight will be a long night.  So I am going to get a head start on sleep. Oh, and watch some Texas Rangers win the series!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Gentle Reminder

I am Perpetually with you, taking care of you. That is the most important fact of your existence. I am not limited by time or space; My Presence with you is a forever-promise. You need not fear the future, for I am already there. When you make that quantum leap into eternity, you will find Me awaiting you in heaven. Your future is in My hands; I release it to you day by day, moment by moment. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. I want you to live this day abundantly, seeing all there is to see, doing all there is to do. Don't be distracted by future concerns. Leave them to Me! Each day of life is a glorious gift, but so few people know how to live within the confines of today. Much of their energy for abundant living spills over the time line into tomorrow's worries or past regrets. Their remaining energy is sufficient only for limping through the day, not for living it to the full. I am training you to keep your focus on My Presence in the present. This is how to receive abundant Life, which flows freely from My throne of grace.

Matt 6:34; John 10:10; james 4:13-15

This is from my Sarah Young devotional, Jesus Calling